Register for Membership

Before Registering, Please Read Carefully!

TrainMon5, while dependent on ATCS Monitor services, is a seperate program and any inquiries regarding TrainMon5 should be directed to the email address located on the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of this page. Please do not inquire about TrainMon5 on the ATCS Monitor platform as they will not be able to answer any questions.

Registration for TrainMon5 requires each applicant to complete two different steps. The first step involves proving you are a member of the ATCS Monitor platform which is a prerequisite in order to become a TrainMon5 member. This step simply involves listing your last name and email address in a dedicated registration table located on the ATCS Monitor group. The second step involves formally submitting a TrainMon5 application for membership.

Finally, all applications for membership are manually reviewed. Please remember that this is a volunteer hobby and the application reviewers review membership requests when they are able to do so and factors such personal matters, weekend plans and holidays can slow down the review process. Therefore, please exercise patience after submitting a membership application.

Step 1 - Verifying ATCS Monitor Membership


To get started use the 'Open TrainMon5 Registration Table' button below, which will open a new window and direct you to the ATCS Monitor page for TrainMon5 registration.

Once you are there, enter your last name and the email address you will use for your TrainMon5 account. The email address you use does not have to be the same one you use for ATCS Monitor however it must match letter-for-letter the email address you will enter in step 2 below. If you are not prompted with a form to enter a last name and email address, this means that either you are not logged into or you are not a member of the ATCS Monitor group. In the latter case, you will not be able to finish the remaining steps.

Once you have finished listing your last name and email address there, return to this screen to finish step 2 below.

Important! - Please do not delete your email entry in registration table after submitting your application or your application will be rejected. We will remove it for you once your application is approved.

Step 2 - Formal TrainMon5 Membership Application
If you were not able to complete step 1, do not continue submitting an application as it will automatically be denied on review.
Set Your Email Address
Email Address *
This field is required
Must be a valid email address
Please use 256 or less characters
Confirm Email Address *
This field is required
Must be a valid email address
Must match email address
Choose a Username
Username *
This field is required
Usernames cannot be an email address
Usernames must be at least 4 characters long
Please use 32 or less characters
Confirm Username *
This field is required
Usernames cannot be an email address
Must match username
  • All usernames are subject to review.
  • The username cannot resemble anything close to the "TrainMon5" name.
  • Usernames must be at least 4 characters long.
  • Usernames are final. They can't be changed once they are assigned to an account.
Tell Us About Yourself
First Name
This field is required
Please use 32 or less characters
Middle Name
Please use 32 or less characters
Last Name
This field is required
Please use 32 or less characters
Please use 8 or less characters
About Me * ({{ 1000 - UserRegistration.About.length }} Characters Remaining)
This field is required
Please use 1000 or less characters

Only TrainMon5 administrators will see the information you enter in the "About Me" section. For this section, TrainMon5 would like to know just a little information about the applicant. You do not need to list any personal details but please provide some relavent information about your areas of interest in the railroading hobby or other hobbies you enjoy.
Agreeing to the Rules
I certify that I am at least 13 years of age, provided all information listed above truthfully and in good faith.
This field is required

I have read and agree with the Terms of Service Policy and the usage restrictions imposed by TrainMon5.
This field is required

I have read and agree with the Privacy Policy imposed by TrainMon5.
This field is required